boonies is proudly sponsored by:


Production Sponsor

Promotion Sponsor


boonies is produced by Artemis Independent a media and production company based in Boone, North Carolina, and presented by UNCTV Public Media North Carolina. Fiscal sponsorship provided by the Southern Documentary Fund.


The following individuals have made a financial contribution to our initial season of ‘boonies’

Our heartfelt thanks for your support!

Marsha Carlisle

Cara White

Lawrence Davis

Robert Gelber

John Mlekush

Melissa Burton

Allen Lyles

Robert Frye

Tina Waganer

Rio Sawhill

Lauren Rizzo

Jesse Miller

Tracey Bekker

Maria Balice

Theron Smith

Philip Borneman

JoAnn Bratton

Christy Dunne

Molly Clay

Angela Edmond

Lindsay Miller

Scott Dwyer  

James Bance

Scott Johnsen

Olympia Stone

Beth Jacquot

Savannah Steele

Heather Jordan

Nathan Jordan

Brent Burton

Kathryn Larsen

Jeffrey Scott

Mary Scott

Bill Young

Sallie Arnold

Daniel Hamby

Stuart Zuckerman

Molly Clay

Genevieve Mente

Laura Boosinger

Beth Jacquot

Andy Hill

Tanna Greathouse

Kate Shultz

Grant Canipe

Johnathan Edmonds

Tim Herdklotz

Chris Grasinger

Craig Cornwell

Ginna Burton

Michele Gomes

Elaine Powell

Cynthia Hill

Gabriella Jones-Litchfield

Sreedevi Sripathy

Kathryn Lo

Sara Giustini

David Lauderman

Mindy Foral

Jackie DeRosa

Sam Glover

Amy Shumaker

Dawn Anderson

Kathryn Shybunko

Chelsea Blount

Deni McIntyre

Victoria Potter

Andrea Kalin

Caleb McGuire

Andrea Kalin

Rachel Raney

Chuck Reece

Karen Sabo

Special thanks for your invaluable advice & guidance


Chris Grasinger
Erich  Schlenker
Sara Giustini

James Bance
Jeffery Scott
Sara Figlow